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My videos and articles contain my insights and reflections on business communication.

November 2022 - Article on some of my favourite financial idioms used in Business English.  

Financial idioms

November 2022 - Newsletter exploring the language of finance - including core language and some common expressions. 

The language of finance

November 2022 - Article giving you core financial language used in Business English.

Your core financial language

December 2022 - Short reflection on how to sustain the energy to learn and develop.

The light of learning

December 2022 - Article on writing a festive message at the end of the year.

Writing a festive message

October 2022 - Article giving all my advice in one place on giving a progress update. 

All about giving a progress update

October 2022 - Article exploring how to give next steps with clarity and precision.

Communicating next steps with precision

October 2022 - Article exploring the power of authenticity when communicating.

Communicating with authenticity

September 2022 Newsletter - Vocabulary and phrasal verbs helping you speak with more confidence on the telephone. 

Speaking with confidence on the telephone

September 2022 Newsletter - Vocabulary and phrasal verbs all about giving progress updates. 

All about giving progress updates

July/August 2022 - Article exploring the importance of 'flow' when you are communicating. 
All about flow

July/August 2022 - Video highlighting the importance of remembering your superpowers in the hurly burly of life.

Your superpowers

July/August 2022 - Short reflection on whether you should emotion at work!
Showing emotion at work

June 2022 - Video discussing what being unblocked really looks like!

Being unblocked - what it is and is not!

June 2022 - Short reflection on not needing to be extrovert to feel unblocked. 

Being unblocked

June 2022 - Video exploring the power of letter writing in today's age of bite-sized information.

The art of letter writing 
June 2022 - Article summarizing what I think is important in email writing.

Email writing my hints and tips

May 2022 - Article exploring the power of the telephone and why it still matters today.

The power of the telephone

May 2022 - Video exploring the power of picking up the telephone.

The power of picking up the phone

May 2022 - Short reflection on 'the zone' - what it is and how to access it! 

The Zone!

May 2022 - Article discussing if you can you script a telephone call?

Scripting a telephone call!

April 2022 - Reflection exploring the power of visioning in moving forward. 
The power of visioning

April 2022 - Video exploring the importance of being ok with being imperfect/making mistakes.

Relaxing into imperfection

April 2022 - Reflection on being more comfortable with imperfection when communicating. 

Relaxing into imperfection - some insights

March 2022 - Article exploring the skill of dancing in the conversation. 
Dancing in the conversation

March 2022 - Article exploring what it means to be passionate about your work.
Being passionate about your work

March 2022 - Article highlighting tips and techniques aimed at helping you stay cool in a virtual meeting. 

Keeping cool in a virtual meeting

February 2022 - Short reflection - keeping it simple and generous to your audience when communicating professionally.

Keeping it simple and generous to your audience
February 2022 - Article exploring how to give a progress update with clarity and precision. 

Giving a progress update with clarity

February 2022 - Video exploring how to manage expectations in fluid times. 

Managing expectations in fluid times

January 2022 - Article highlighting powerful adjectives when pitching/describing your product or service.
Powerful adjectives when pitching

January 2022 - Article exploring the language and techniques enabling you to contribute confidently to meetings.

Contributing confidently to meetings

January 2022 - Article exploring how to keep cool in a difficult email exchange.

Keeping cool in a difficult email exchange

January 2022- Video exploring how to start a professional email.

Starting a professional email

January 2022 - Video exploring how to finish a professional email.

Finishing a professional email

© 2023 The Language Partnership

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