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My videos and articles contain my insights and reflections on business communication. 


December 2023 - Article exploring maintaining that energy to learn and move forward as we approach the year end.

Maintaining that energy to learn and move forward

December 2023 -  A little video with my end of year message.

My wishes for my clients and contacts

December 2023 - Video exploring the value of humility and what it means to me. 

The value of humility

November 2023 - Article exploring techniques to effectively contribute to international meetings. 

Contributing with confidence to international meetings

November 2023 - Video exploring how to effectively contribute to international meetings. 

Contributing with confidence to international meetings (video)

November 2023 - Article exploring how to help non-native speakers in international meetings. 

Helping non-native speakers in international meetings

November 2023 - Video exploring the importance of clean questions. 

All about clean questions (video)

November 2023  - Short reflection on the importance of clean questions. 

The value of clean questions

November 2023 - Video exploring some insights I gained from a mistake I made!

Making a mistake! (video)

October 2023 - Article exploring what makes a good team - summarizing feedback from all my workshops in 2023.

What makes a good team?

October 2023 - A short reflection on the art of small talk.

The art of small talk

October 2023 - A short reflection on values and a link to mine!

A short reflection on values

September 2023 - Article exploring the importance of challenging blocking language and the smallness it can make you feel. 

The challenge to blocking language

September 2023 - Video exploring the challenge to blocking language in in this case legalese.

The challenge to legalese (video)

September 2023 - Short reflection on the challenge to blocking language and in this case legalese. 

The challenge to legalese

September 2023 - Video exploring whether you should admit a mistake or not.

To admit a mistake or not!

September 2023  - Article exploring whether you should admit a mistake or not and avoiding the slippery snake syndrome!

To admit a mistake or not and avoiding being a slippery snake

September 2023 - Article reflecting on little habits like garden watching and why the matter!

Taking little moments to garden watch

June 2023 - Video exploring the qualities that really matter in the workplace.

The quiet superpowers

June 2023 - Video exploring the language and techniques needed in giving a written update to your manager. 

Giving an update to your manager

June 2023 - Article exploring the language and techniques needed in giving a written update to your manager.

Giving an update to your manager (email model and 10 tips)

August 2023 - Video exploring the extent to which showing signs of anxiety really matters.

Does showing anxiety matter? 

August 2023  - Video exploring the impact and importance of handshakes in today's post Covid context.


July 2023 - Article exploring the richness of idiomatic expressions. 

The rich world of idioms

July 2023 - Article exploring the language of management styles.

All about management styles

May 2023 - Video exploring the advantages and dangers of giving timelines to next steps. 

Should you put a timeline on a next step?

May 2023 - Article exploring techniques and language in giving a semi-formal progress update in a meeting. 

Presenting a semi-formal update

May 2023 - Video exploring the power of acknowledging emails and messages that you receive.

The power of acknowledging

April 2023 - Article exploring how to write next steps concisely after a meeting.
Communicating next steps

April 2023 - Article exploring how to chase a professional contact to do something! 
How to chase in a professional way

April 2023 - Video exploring what being stuck can sometimes feel like.

Being stuck!

March 2023 - Video exploring how to keep your updates open in terms of the language you use.

Keeping your updates open 

March 2023 - A short reflection on how beautiful but fragile questions can be!

The fragility of questions

March 2023 - Article exploring how to add warmth to your email communication.

Warming up your emails

March 2023 - Short reflection - What being a Dad means to me!

On being a Dad

February 2023 - Article exploring how to powerfully communicate mistakes.

Powerfully communicating mistakes

February 2023 - Short reflection on how to manage that little critical voice. 

The power of the Shemgal!

February 2023 - Video exploring how to manage that little critical voice.

The power of the Shemgal and what to do about it!

February 2023 - Short refection on anchoring into a powerful moment.

Anchoring into a powerful moment

Please explore my videos, articles, reflections and newsletters from previous years by clicking on the links below

© 2023 The Language Partnership

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