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November 2020 - Newsletter exploring the language of business travel. 

All about travel Part 2 updated

November 2020 - Newsletter exploring the language of business travel. 

All about travel - Part 1 updated

November 2020 - Newsletter exploring American English and comparing the differences between UK and American English.

American English updated

October 2020 - Article exploring how to powerfully and professionally apologise in English. 

How to apologise for a mistake when English is not your first language

October 2020 - Newsletter exploring language and techniques in making small talk. 

All about small talk

October 2020 - Article highlighting how to utilise the future form when communicating in English. 

How to use the future form in everyday business communication

September 2020 - Article reviewing how to describe changes with precision and nuance.

Describing change when English is not your first language

September 2020 - Article highlighting some of my favourite idiomatic expressions in English.

10 Common Idiomatic Expressions in English

September 2020 - Article giving useful language and advice in responding to a difficult/stroppy message. 

How to reply to a stroppy, demanding email

August 2020 - Article exploring the language and techniques used when negotiating. 

Our top negotiating tips when English is not your first language

August 2020 - Article describing how to adopt a measured but assertive style when responding to a demanding message.

Meeting in the middle in your email writing

August 2020 - Article exploring the language used to describe every day products. 

Describing everyday products

July 2020 - Newsletter exploring the rich world of idioms. 

Idioms Special

July 2020 - Article highlighting tips and techniques in staying agile in discussions with clients.

Dancing in the moment with clients

July 2020 - Article summarizing some key principles when contributing to virtual meetings. 

10 Principles to help you contribute effectively to virtual meetings

June 2020 - Article exploring language and techniques when reporting your progress. 

Reporting on progress in English - Principles 11 to 15

June 2020 - Article exploring language and techniques when reporting your progress. 

Reporting on progress in English - Principles 7 to 10

June 2020 -  Article exploring language and techniques when reporting your progress. 

Reporting on progress in English - Principles 1 to 6

May 2020 - Newsletter summarising my advice in contributing effectively to virtual meetings. 

Communicating in virtual meetings

May 2020 - Article highlighting how to start and end an email. 

How to start and end an email Part 2

May 2020 - Article highlighting how to start and end an email. 

How to start and end an email Part 1

April 2020 - Newsletter giving you useful expressions and phrasal verbs when reporting your progress. 

Writing Progress Updates

April 2020 - Article exploring how to give reassurance in difficult times. 

The Language of Reassurance Part 2

April 2020 - Article exploring how to give reassurance in difficult times. 

The Language of Reassurance

April 2020 - Article exploring the language of crisis management. 

The Language of Crisis Management

March 2020 - Newsletter exploring the language of marketing. 

The Language of Marketing Part 2

March 2020 - Newsletter exploring the language of marketing. 

The Language of Marketing Part 1

February 2020 - Newsletter exploring the world of phrasal verbs in Business English. 

Phrasal verbs

January 2020 - Newsletter exploring expressions and idioms taken from the sporting world. 

Sports special

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